Western European Aerospace & Defence Industries - The Ownership Jigsaw: "The Group was created following the mergers of Aerospatiale Matra, Dasa and CASA into a single entity. After the global offering, 30% of the EADS shares are held by Ste de Gestion de l'Aeronautique de la Defense et de l'Espace (SOGEADE), a French partnership limited by shares whose share capital is held (a) 50% by SOGEPA, for the French government, and (b) 50% by Desirade (whose shares in turn are held by Lagardere (74%) and the French Financial Institutions (26%).
DASA AG, an indirect subsidiary of DaimlerChrysler, owns 30% of the EADS shares. Thus, 60% of the EADS shares are held in equal proportions by SOGEADE and DaimlerChrysler, who will jointly control EADS through a Dutch law contractual partnership. SEPI, for the Spanish Government, also being a party to the contractual partnership, will hold 5.48% of these shares. The public will directly hold 30.65% of these shares and DaimlerChrysler and the French State will directly hold 2.73% and 1.14% of these shares. "