Thursday, April 27, 2006 Civil Aviation: Randy's Latest Blog Entry: B748F Vs. A380F Civil Aviation: Randy's Latest Blog Entry: B748F Vs. A380F: "Range? Range does not really factor in to the freighter equation as it does in the passenger business. The availability of freight hubs, the flexibility to offload/onload cargo, and the ability to use lighter takeoff weights with maximum payloads, trumps absolute range in the freighter business."

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Quoting Scbriml (Reply 131):
Quoting 787engineer (Reply 100):
Where did you get the notion that Airbus commands a greater profit margin for their planes than Boeing? I'm not saying they don't; I've just never heard of this and a source would be appreciated

Certainly through 2005 Airbus's profits and margins were quite a bit higher than Boeing's (Commercial Aircraft). Sorry, I don't have the figures to hand, but I think they were printed in Flight recently.

If you don't have any figures at hand how can you say "certianly"?