Sunday, July 17, 2005 Civil Aviation: 772LR: Boeing Confident It Can Catch Airbus Civil Aviation: 772LR: Boeing Confident It Can Catch Airbus: "1. The A345 is approx 60,000 lbs heavier than the 772LR. In addition to sending opperating cost through the roof, this greatly affects the payload that can be carried. Max structural payload for the A345 is significantly lower than the 772LR.

2. The narrow cross-section of the A345 means that it cannot carry 747/MD11 sized pallets as the 772LR can. This greatly affects interoperability and flexibility, and puts the A345 out of the league of these freighters.

3. Freighters almost always fly short hops not exceeding 6,000 nm or so. In this case, ETOPS is completly irrelevant and a quad configuration becomes a maintenance liability."


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